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Board of Trustees

Front row, from left: Sally Donovan, Alan Bunker, Jackie Bryson, Tricia Lynn, Esther Wing
Second row: Tim Nolan, Teri Boland, Lisa Sprague, Joan Meyer, Lorry Hartley, Sue Byrom
Third row: Kurt Grossman, Chase Mosijowsky, Andrew Naab, Mary Heimert

Jackie Bryson, President;
Sue Byrom, Vice President;
Esther Wing, Corresponding Secretary;
Tricia Lynn, Treasurer and Finance Chair;
Sally Donovan, Recording Secretary;
Mary Heimert, Social Chair;
Teri Boland;
Kurt Grossman;
Seth Harmon;
Lorry Hartley;
Chase Mosijowsky;
Joan Meyer, Membership Chair;
Andrew Naab;
Tracey Johnson, IT Chair;
Tim Nolan;
Lisa Sprague

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